Saturday, November 18, 2006

Leadership Candidate Profile - Ed Stelmach

Mr. Stelmach has a plan - and, from all accounts, it's a solid one. He wants to represent ALL Albertans - the only problem being, of course, that when he's representing the interests of the rural Albertans, he'll piss off the city folk, and when he stands up for Edmonton, he'll piss off Calgary.
Being a man of the people is one thing, trying to be a man for ALL the people is much more difficult.

His proposals to aid agriculture are good and far-sighted. His ideas regarding parks and recreation space are vague, however, as he says "we need more", but doesn't say where we need them, how we'll pay for them, or when we can expect to get them. His solution for increasing funding for the arts is unique and fresh, but I don't know how successful it will be.
Stelmach has commited $1.4 Billion immediately to municipalities to help ease the infrastructure deficit,
and then will phase in the turn-over of the "equivalent" to the education portion of property taxes to the cities. He seems committed to a 100% publicly-funded health care system, while cutting out some inefficiencies. And he wants to review resource royalties - not what the oil companies want to hear, but long overdue for the average Albertan.

Ed Stelmach's website is


Anonymous said...

I like Ed. He is a thoughtful, capable minister who stepped down in order to run (and didn't bitch about it before or after). He is respected on both side of the legislature. He has a group of MLAs brave enough not to jump on Dinning's train behind him, and a lot of the MLAs that are supporting Dinning (some because they feel they have to) would stand behind a Stelmach government.

Ed is my first choice for Premier. I think he would bring a common-sense approach to government coupled with a sense of duty and honour to the role.

Anonymous said...

Agree completely with your previous anonymous commenter. This man is solid and competent, although not very charasmatic. But after 13 years of charimsa, what Alberta needs is someone who will unite the province in a common purpose. Ed, alone among the candidates, is that man. He gets my vote as well.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that I don't like about Ed is his view on the sacred health care system. Why do we have to be like Cuba and North Korea?
Ed wake up and smell the wasted spiralling dollars on an outdated health system.